Foristek <div class="tlid-input input"> <div class="source-wrap"> <div class="input-full-height-wrapper tlid-input-full-height-wrapper"> <div class="source-input"> <div class="source-footer-wrap source-or-target-footer"> <div class="character-count tlid-character-count"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="tlid-results-container results-container"> <div class="tlid-result result-dict-wrapper"> <div class="result tlid-copy-target"> <div class="result-header"> <div class="starbutton jfk-button-flat jfk-button unstarred" tabindex="0" role="button" aria-label="Bintangi terjemahan" data-tooltip="Bintangi terjemahan" data-tooltip-align="t,c"> <div class="jfk-button-img"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> Foristek en-US Foristek 2087-8729 IMPLEMENTASI ALGORITMA FUZZY PADA SISTEM KONTROL AQUAPONIK PADI <p><strong><em>Aquaponics is an agricultural system that combines fish and plant cultivation in one closed system. In an aquaponics system, the water used for fish cultivation is also used to irrigate plants with rice aquaponics as one example. However, monitoring and controlling aquaponic systems is still done manually, which has many shortcomings, including requiring a relatively long time and accuracy that is not guaranteed, especially in large-scale aquaponics management. Implementing the fuzzy algorithm in the rice aquaponics control system aims to make it easier for farmers to monitor the condition of the rice and control the water change system in the pond in real time via the Blynk application on their smartphone. This system combines ESP-32 technology, fuzzy algorithms, and the Internet of Things (IoT) to monitor and control the rice aquaponics system. The results of data collection from the implementation of the fuzzy algorithm in the rice aquaponics control system show that the tool functions well. This tool can monitor the condition of rice and control the water change system in the pond in real time using the Blynk application. The level of accuracy of implementing the fuzzy algorithm for monitoring rice conditions was 99.61% and the accuracy of implementing the fuzzy algorithm for pump control of the water change system was 98.95%.</em></strong></p> Ibnu Kahfi Rizana Fauzi Mery Subito Tan Suryani Sollu Alamsyah Alamsyah Copyright (c) 2024 Ibnu Kahfi, Rizana Fauzi, Tan Suryani Sollu, Alamsyah Alamsyah 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 14 2 10.54757/fs.v14i2.580 RANCANG BANGUN DC TO DC CONVERTER UNTUK SISTEM MONITORING SALINITAS AIR LAUT DENGAN PHOTOVOLTAIC SEBAGAI SUMBER ENERGI <p><strong><em>Renewable energy is an energy source that can be utilized continuously and is available by nature. One example of using renewable energy is photovoltaic. Photovoltaic is a tool used to absorb solar energy and convert it into electrical energy using the photovoltaic effect method. This research aims to monitor the salinity (salt content) of sea water by utilizing solar energy using the Buck Converter type DC to DC Converter method to regulate and reduce the higher voltage to a lower voltage to be loaded on the microcontroller as the reading output. This research was designed using a 20 WP photovoltaic with a maximum voltage of 20 volts which functions as a power supplier or energy source whose voltage is then reduced by a buck converter circuit to a smaller voltage of 5 volts to be charged to the Arduino Uno in processing salinity measurement data using a TDS sensor. as a measuring tool. The test results of the equipment show that the DC to DC Converter circuit is successful in reducing the photovoltaic voltage so that it can operate the microcontroller.</em></strong></p> Mohammad Syafar Samad Ahmad Antares Adam Yusnaini Arifin Irwan Mahmudi Ratih Mar'atus Sholihah Copyright (c) 2024 Mohammad Syafar Samad, Ahmad Antares Adam, Yusnaini Arifin, Irwan Mahmudi, Ratih Mar'atus Sholihah 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 14 2 10.54757/fs.v14i2.581 RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM INFORMASI GEOGRAFIS MENGGUNAKAN KOMBINASI NODE BERBASIS ALGORITMA DIJKSTRA PADA PENENTUAN JALUR TERPENDEK EVAKUASI TSUNAMI DI TELUK PALU <p>Indonesia, an archipelagic country situated on the Equator and surrounded by the Ring of Fire, is highly susceptible to natural disasters such as tectonic earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Palu, one of Indonesia's seismically active regions, is traversed by the Palu-Koro Fault, which has the potential to trigger strong earthquakes and tsunamis, as evidenced by the 7.4-magnitude earthquake in September 2018. To mitigate disaster risks, it is crucial to understand community vulnerability and utilize Geographic Information System (GIS) technology. This study designs a GIS-based system using the modified Dijkstra's Algorithm to determine the shortest tsunami evacuation routes in Palu. Testing results indicate that the system is effective, with a user satisfaction rate of 89.33% and satisfactory route prediction accuracy compared to Google Maps. The system can be relied upon to help communities find the nearest evacuation routes, thereby enhancing safety and preparedness in the face of potential disasters.</p> Dwi Shinta Angreni Wahyu Budiman Yusuf Anshori Wirdayanti Wirdayanti Rizqa Raaiqa Bintana Copyright (c) 2024 Dwi Shinta Angreni, Wahyu Budiman, Yusuf Anshori, Wirdayanti Wirdayanti, Rizqa Raaiqa Bintana 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 14 2 10.54757/fs.v14i2.455 ANALISIS PENGARUH TOTAL PANJANG ELEKTRODA BATANG TERHADAP PENTANAHAN DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE WENNER DAN DRIVEN ROD <p><strong><em>This research discusses the influence of electrode depth, number of electrodes and the influence of the Wenner and Driven Rod methods on reducing the value of grounding resistance. The ground electrode is a conductor that is embedded in the earth and makes direct contact with the earth, where the ground electrode is used as a grounding system tool if a disturbance occurs in the electric power system. The method used is a quantitative method, namely a method that uses research data resulting from direct observation, where the data is produced in the form of numbers that will be analyzed. The results obtained were that the influence of the depth of the grounding electrode was not effective enough, because the soil used had moisture that was not much different between a depth of 1 meter and 2 meters. The effect of the number of grounding electrodes used is very effective because the resistance value obtained is lower. The effect of the Wenner method produces a greater reduction compared to the Driven Rod method, Wenner experienced a decrease of 52.4 ohms on dry soil and 33.4 ohms on wet soil and Driven Rod experienced a decrease in resistance value of 49.7 ohms on dry soil and 29.23 ohms on wet ground. The conclusion obtained is that the total electrodes used are more influential in reducing the grounding resistance value than the length of the depth of the implanted electrodes and the Wenner method is better in reducing the grounding resistance value than the Driven Rod method.</em></strong></p> Farham Muhammad Zaldi Agustinus Kali Martdiansyah Martdiansyah Khairunnisa Khairunnisa Copyright (c) 2024 Farham Muhammad Zaldi, Agustinus Kali, Martdiansyah Martdiansyah, Khairunnisa Khairunnisa 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 14 2 10.54757/fs.v14i2.583 WEBSITE PUSAT MANAJEMEN RISIKO DI LEMBAGA PENJAMINAN MUTU PENGEMBANG PEMBELAJAR <p>Pada era digital seperti saat ini, website telah menjadi salah satu sarana yang paling efektif dalam berkomunikasi dengan khalayak luas. Hal ini juga berlaku untuk Lembaga Pengembangan Manajemen dan Manajemen Risiko Perguruan Tinggi di Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu dan Pengembang Pembelajar yang membutuhkan platform online untuk menyebarkan informasi dan layanan terkait manajemen risiko. Dalam upaya membangun sebuah website pusat manajemen risiko LPMPP, penting untuk memilih platform yang dapat menyediakan kemudahan dalam pengelolaan konten serta memiliki tampilan yang menarik. Salah satu platform yang direkomendasikan adalah WordPress, yang merupakan salah satu platform website paling populer dan mudah digunakan saat ini. Pusat manajemen risiko dapat mengikuti best practice dalam pembuatan aplikasi sistem manajemen risiko, seperti menggunakan standar NIST SP 800-30 Revision 1. Best practice ini membantu dalam mengelola risiko dengan lebih baik dan mengurangi kerugian yang mungkin terjadi. Dengan demikian, website Pusat Manajemen Risiko berbasis WordPress dirancang untuk memberikan layanan dan informasi yang efektif dan efisien kepada pengunjung.</p> RINIANTY rini Chairunisa Nisa Siti Fitriana Fitri Copyright (c) 2024 RINIANTY rini, Chairunisa Nisa, Siti Fitriana Fitri 2024-12-17 2024-12-17 14 2 10.54757/fs.v14i2.586 RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM JARINGAN FAILOVER AUTOMATIC TELLER MACHINE (ATM) MELALUI JARINGAN PUBLIK BERBASIS PROTOCOL EOIP DAN P2TP <p><em><strong>The network on the Automatic Teller Machine currently uses a VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) network based on Geostationary Satellites. VSAT networks often experience problems such as UP-DOWN or total DOWN. Some of the problems that cause interruptions on the VSAT interconnection include the usage period of the Modem electronic device and also ODU (Outdoor Unit) devices such as RFU, LNB, and BUC, ODU devices have a transmit period and also a received period that is uncertain according to the voltage at the location. Problems with the VSAT interconnection system cause ATM services to become unusable, resulting in losses for the bank's profits. In addition, the repair process is also generally quite time-consuming.&nbsp; The purpose of this study is to design an inexpensive ATM backup network solution so that when there is a break/disruption in the VSAT network the service on the ATM is not interrupted and in terms of operational costs does not swell. The backup network is intended to back up the satellite-based leading network automatically so that ATM services are always available when the satellite-based network is interrupted. The result of the study is that the proposed solution can resolve service outages at ATM machines in 34 seconds. The ATM network system will experience disconnection before finally reconnecting through the backup network. The proposed solution is much cheaper than the VSAT-based failover network solution, as it is based on the public internet network.</strong></em></p> Rizka Ardiansyah Septiano Anggun Pratama Iskandar Iskandar Yusuf Anshori Gusti Komang Copyright (c) 2024 Rizka Ardiansyah, Septiano Anggun Pratama, Iskandar Iskandar, Yusuf Anshori, Gusti Komang 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 14 2 10.54757/fs.v14i2.584 OTOMATISASI SISTEM IRIGASI PERKEBUNAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE TETES DENGAN PHOTOVOLTAIC SEBAGAI SUMBER ENERGI <p><strong><em>Red chili is one type of vegetable that is quite important in Indonesia,</em></strong> <strong><em>both as a commodity consumed domestically and as an export commodity. Red chili production in Indonesia is still relatively low. The choice of chili plants in this research is based on the high market demand for chili commodities, however, to meet the demand which continues to increase every year, it is necessary to increase chili production through intensification or extensification. Weather factors have a big influence on the development of chili plants. During the long dry season, chili plants cannot grow well, this is due to the lack of water available for the plant's needs, which increases pest attacks. Another factor is excess soil moisture which can trigger chili plants to rot and die. To make it easier to cultivate chili plants, </em></strong><strong><em>&nbsp;innovation needs to be carried out to help chili cultivators manage their chili plant cultivation, therefore by using the Plantation Irrigation System Automation tool using the Drip Method with Photovoltaic as an Energy Source it is hoped that this can be an innovation in managing the cultivation of chili plants, especially in controlling soil moisture in chili plants.</em></strong></p> Baso Mukhlis Nurhani Amin Andi Fatmawati Maryanto Masarrang Copyright (c) 2024 Baso Mukhlis, Nurhani Amin, Andi Fatmawati, Maryanto Masarrang 2024-11-20 2024-11-20 14 2 10.54757/fs.v14i2.585