Author Guidelines

1. The Foristek Journal contains articles about the results of thoughts and research results in the fields of electrical energy, electronics, and telecommunications.

2. The submitted article has never been published in other media (print or online), typed in Microsoft Word, times new roman font, size 12 pts, with 1.5 spaces on one face of A4 paper. The maximum length of the article is 20 pages, sent in print-out form as many as 3 copies, along with the file on the CD. It is also advisable to send files to the e-mail address:

3. The name of the author of the article written without an academic degree is placed under the article title along with the name and address of the institution, and e-mail address for easy communication. If the author consists of 4 or more people, the names of the main authors are listed below the title; the names of other authors are listed as footnotes on the first page. In the case of articles written by the team, the editor only relates to the author whose name comes first.

4. Articles are written in Indonesian with essay format. Article titles are printed in capital letters. Each section of the article, except for the introduction, is given a title in letter form according to its ranking, not using numbers / numbers

5. Systematics of writing thought-out articles: º title º author's name (without academic degree), name and address of the institution, and e-mail address º abstract º key words (five words at most) º introduction contains background and purpose or scope writing º main material (can be divided into several sub-sections) º conclusion contains conclusions and suggestions º bibliography of at least 70% of the publications of the last 10 years and only contains referenced sources.

6. As much as possible, literature sources are primary sources, such as research reports (including theses, theses, dissertations), or research articles in scientific journals or periodicals. Inclusion of reference sources in direct or indirect quotations uses the numbering techniques listed in the bibliography.

7. The list of references is arranged in a systematic manner, such as the following example:

Book :

Suryabrata, S. (2012). Psikologi Pendidikan. Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada

(Rajawali Press).

Aip Badrujaman dan Dede Rahmat Hidayat. (2010). Cara Mudah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas untuk Guru Mata Pelajaran dan Guru Kelas. Jakarta: Trans Info Media.

Journal :

Salati, S. (2014).Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Perhitungan Bilangan 1-100 dengan Menggunakan Media Simpoa di Kelas I SDN Inpres Kautu Kecamatan Tinangkung Kabupaten Banggai Kepulauan. Jurnal Kreatif Tadulako Online. Vol. 2. No. 1. Hal. 20-30.

Articles published online :

Pullan, J.M. (1968). Simpoa. (Online). Tersedia: http; //simpoa-wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas, html, diakses [2 Juni 2014].

8. The procedure for presenting quotations, references, tables and pictures follows the provisions in the Guidelines for Writing Scientific Papers or APA style or directly imitates the procedures used in published articles.

9. All manuscripts were reviewed anonymously by partner bebestari (reviewers) appointed by the editor according to their area of expertise. Article writers are given the opportunity to make improvements (revisions) to the manuscript based on recommendations / suggestions from bestari partners or editors. Certainty of loading or rejection of the manuscript will be notified in writing.

10. Checking and editing print was attempted by the editor and / or by involving the author. An article that is already in trial and error may be canceled by the editor if it is found that there is a problem.

11. Everything related to licensing for citation or the use of computer software for manuscripts, other matters related to intellectual property rights carried out by the author of the article, as well as the legal consequences that arise because of it, is the responsibility of the author of the article.

12. As a prerequisite for article processing, article contributors are required to be subscribers for a minimum of one year. Authors whose articles are published are required to pay a printing fee contribution. In return, the authors receive 2 (two) copies of a proof of loading and 2 (two) copies of free print. Unpublished articles will not be returned, except at the request of the author.

13. Templates for articles to be published in this journal can be downloaded to make it easier for writers to compile.