Vol. 2 No. 1 (2012): Foristek

This edition contains articles, namely: from the field of energy concentration represented by the title: New Installation Costs and Electricity Account Calculation for Household Tariff Classes. The high voltage field is represented by: Analysis of Leakage Current Testing Line Post Insulator 70 KV Contaminated by Industrial Pollutants. The field of electric power system is represented by the title: Application of Passive Filters as Harmonic Reducers in Three Phase Inverters. There are four titles in the Informatics field, namely : This edition contains articles, namely: from the field of energy concentration represented by the title: New Installation Costs and Electricity Account Calculation for Household Tariff Classes. The high voltage field is represented by: Analysis of Leakage Current Testing Line Post Insulator 70 KV Contaminated by Industrial Pollutants. The field of electric power system is represented by the title: Application of Passive Filters as Harmonic Reducers in Three Phase Inverters. There are four titles in the Informatics field, namely: Designing a Geographical Information System Using Digital Maps, Triangular Fuzzy Number Approach in the Analytic Hierarchy Process Method, E-Learning as an Information Technology-Based Interactive Learning Media, and Determination of Minimum Span Trees in Electricity Network Distribution Based on a Geographical Condition. Regions with Prim's Algorithm (Case Study of Samarinda City Primary Distribution Electricity Network).